

Welcome! This collection of my favorite hiring and recruiting quotes is part of my Management & Leadership Quotes series.

Author/Contributor: Greg Parsons


You are only as good as the people you hire.

- Paul Falcone

Hire people that will automatically pitch in on unpleasant tasks.

- Fred Lee

Great vision without great people is irrelevant.

- Jim Collins

Every job opening is an opportunity to re-define the role.

- Lee Cockerell

The most important thing a manager can do is to hire the right new people.

- Lee Iacocca

Don't be too quick to hire and too slow to fire.

- unknown

If you have the right people on the bus, the problem of how to motivate and manage people largely goes away. The right people don’t need to be tightly managed or fired up; they will be self-motivated by the inner drive to produce the best results and to be part of creating something great.

- Jim Collins

Schedule 30, 60, and 90 day follow-ups with each new employee to give them honest feedback and to monitor progression.

- unknown

Recruiting and keeping the best talent is arguably the single most important skill for a manager.

- Fred Lee

An intelligent person hires people who are more intelligent than he is.

- Robert T Kiyosaki

Ask interviewees what the best idea they had to improve the business in their last position.

- Lee Cockerell

Obsessives were the only ones for the job. The only ones for me.

- Phil Knight

Hire for attitude and you can usually teach the skills.

- Simon Sinek

Self-motivated new hires find new ways of handling the work flow, assume broader responsibilities beyond their basic job description, and do their best work every day-with little need for your intervention.

- Paul Falcone

Great companies don’t hire skilled people and motivate them. They hire already motivated people and inspire them. People are either motivated or they are not.

- Simon Sinek

Hire five people, work them like 10, and pay them like 8.

- Jim Collins

Select your staff based on your weaknesses.

- John Maxwell

A great question to ask during the interview process is what the next logical move up progression would have been if they remained with their current company, and how long they believe it would have taken them before their next promotion became available to them.

- Paul Falcone

An organization will never fill its potential if everyone in it is a visionary or if everyone is an accountant.

- John Maxwell

Ask job applicants how they plan on adding value to your business.

- unknown

When hiring, look for passion, attention to detail, a drive to do things beyond what you need to do. And quirky is totally OK.

- Timothy Ferriss

Ask what the top two or three things the employment candidate is looking for.

- Paul Falcone

Make sure all job descriptions clearly highlight the meaning or value that the position offers, as opposed to just listing responsibilities.

- Shawn Achor

Suggested Interviewing Questions:

(a) If you got the job, what actions would you take in the first month?
(b) What do you like least about your existing job? Why?
(c) Who was the best boss you’ve head? Why?
(d) What is the most difficult thing about your existing job? Why?
(e) What is your major achievement in your last job? Tell me how you accomplished it.
(f) What was the lowest point of your job? What happened? How did you deal with it?

- Cy Charney

Other great interviewing questions:

(a) What's your 5-year plan?
(b) What have you done to improve processes in your company?
What do you do when you suddenly come up with a good idea?
(d) How do you measure your own performance?
If you got the job, what actions would you take in the first month?
(f) What do you like least about your existing job? Why?
(g) Who was the best boss you’ve had? Why?
(h) What is the most difficult thing about your existing job? Why?
(i) What is your biggest achievement in your last job? How did you accomplish it?
(j) What was the lowest point of your job? What happened? How did you deal with it?

- unknown